Dancing, drinking a beer and eating biscuits are among the crazy things Brits are doing in the SHOWER, according to a survey.

Researchers looking into shower habits across the nation found two thirds of those polled are self-confessed ‘shower multitaskers’, doing other things while getting themselves clean, with 30 per cent saying that they feel bored if they have nothing else to do.

Three in 10 adults will brush their teeth while under the water as part of their regular routine, while four in 10 will clean the facility.

Going to the toilet, having sex and even taking a phone call are among the other ‘tasks’ adults have been known to undertake while showering.

Of those polled, 12 per cent admit to having made a life changing decision while lathering up.

And more than a third of adults say they don’t have enough time in the day to get everything done, so prefer to multitask in the shower instead.

A spokesman for Triton Showers, which conducted the study of 2,000 adults who shower, said: “The shower room is clearly so much more than an area simply designated for washing.

“Busy Brits are opting to eat, drink and even go on social media when showering – because they are time-strapped and therefore try to juggle lots of tasks all at once.”

The study found almost one in 10 people polled have taken to washing an item of clothing in the shower, while 43 per cent like singing along to music.

Listening to an audio book, watching a TV show on a tablet and even washing a pet also take place in the shower room at times.

The average shower takes just under nine minutes, with multitaskers saving more than 10 minutes a week by getting some ‘jobs’ done in the water.

Just under half of Brits say they use showering as their time to think – although for 28 per cent of men this means thinking about sex.

Whereas women are twice as likely as men to plan an outfit for the day or weekend, than think about getting frisky.

It also emerged that one in five adults contemplate the meaning of life while they’re having a scrub.

But even in the bathroom, food is still very much in the front of minds with more than half of adults admitting that they use the time to think about what they need on their next food shop, or what they’ll cook for dinner.

Nearly half of those polled think that their life is just too busy and 62 per cent say their time in the cubicle is their only chance to switch off.

One in 20 adults polled via OnePoll.com escape to the shower to eat as it’s the only place their children won’t come to pinch their food, and 15 per cent admit they can have  longer in bed if they have their morning cuppa or shave while showering.

The spokesman for Triton Showers added: “It seems Brits think nothing of multitasking in the shower, for many respondents it has become a normal part of everyday life.

“And it makes sense to use the time wisely – although it is worrying to think people are using gadgets such as phones, tablets and shavers in such close proximity to water.”


  1. Sing along to some music
  2. Clean the shower/bath area
  3. Shave
  4. Brush your teeth
  5. Do a wee
  6. Have sex
  7. Make a life changing decision
  8. Have a dance
  9. Take a phone call
  10. Wash an item of clothing
  11. Do some exercise
  12. Do some stretching/yoga exercises
  13. Listen to an audiobook
  14. Have a beer
  15. Watch a TV show on a tablet
  16. Have a cup of coffee
  17. Have a cup of tea
  18. Wash a pet
  19. Eat a biscuit
  20. Go on social media