Creating a Climate for Change
With one of the hottest Februarys on record, veteran weatherman Bill Giles calling for weather presenters to talk about climate change within their forecasts and school children all over the world going on strike, it’s no wonder the Government has announced that by 2025, all new build homes must adopt “world leading levels” of energy efficiency as a way of evolving on the prime minister’s goal of halving the amount of energy use by the year 2030.
This proposal for a Future Homes Standard has been welcomed by the likes of BRE although they made the valid point that waiting until 2025 is dangerous and “we need high quality homes that are fit for the future and that address societal challenges, to be built now.” The Home Quality Mark (HQM) created by BRE to provide developers with the tools and framework to differentiate, prove and communicate their homes is a fantastic starting point for all this, providing solutions to a number of the major challenges in housebuilding today. But for us, the onus is on the manufacturers themselves to develop and work in partnership with housebuilders to create products that can make a difference right now.
There are a number of areas within the HQM framework that Triton have been considering in our product development over the last few years but, not surprisingly, water efficiency is top of our agenda.
According to a report commissioned by the Committee on Climate Change, the UK is expected to face a shortfall of up to 16% of the total water demand in the 2050s and up to 29% in the 2080s, leading to major effects on cost and resource levels. These deficits are based on high population growth and a high climate change scenario, in the absence of any adaptation interventions. Given this, ensuring homes are fitted with adequate water saving products is therefore critical. Not only do they help reduce costs for both water and energy (heating water) and reduce the environmental impact of that home, they also can reduce planning limitations and costs associated with improving local water infrastructure for developers where homes within a new development use less mains water.
All Triton products meet Part G2 8l/m with regards to water use but we also have a number of products that meet the 6l/m ‘advanced fittings standard’. These are our ECO mixers and our ECO Pro-Fit electric shower. We believe our products can help housebuilders develop homes that work towards the Future Homes Standard now and we will continue to develop new products that further deliver on this over time.
But developing highly efficient products isn’t the only way Triton see themselves being able to support housebuilders on this journey to better homes. All Triton showers are expertly engineered and rigorously tested 50,000 times to ensure the highest levels of quality and performance. They are individually tested and come with our Triton guarantee which is 2 years full parts and labour for Electric and 5 years full parts and labour for mixers.
They are also designed with ease of installation in mind for quick, hassle-free fitting. From an economic perspective, equipment that is fitted properly by well trained, professional installers needs less maintenance, requires less downtime, is more efficient and requires fewer resources. This is why for over 25 years now, Triton has provided free training courses for installers to help ensure they are as skilled as possible in the installation of showers, to ensure the best lifetime value of our products.
Finally, we are also tackling noise pollution. Not something you immediately associate with showers, but a noisy pump can cause real distress for families and neighbours alike and it’s something that is taken seriously in the HQM framework. That’s why Triton have developed the industry’s first silent pump. It completely eliminates any noise pollution and delivers powerful, silent showering. It’s built into our HOST digital shower and AS2000SR Power Shower, which launched in 2019.
If you would like to find out more about our credentials and experience in the new build sector and see why we’re the perfect fit, please email us at