What shower style do you have? 

Do you love to lather or are you more of a scrubber? 

Do you like the temperature hot or is a cold shower more your thing? 

It comes after research of 2,000 adults, commissioned by Triton Showers, found 41 per cent described themselves as ‘latherers’ when it comes to their washing routine.

But amidst the current economic climate, 53 per cent have made changes to the way they shower in a bid to save money and reduce household bills.

More than three in 10 (31 per cent) are showering less regularly, while 29 per cent are now even sharing the cubicle with their other half.

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Enhance your showering experience...

Divert water between a multi spray pattern shower head and luxurious fixed rainfall shower head, or even use both together with a DuElec® Electric Shower.

Every Drop Makes a Difference

At Triton, we make showers. That’s nothing world-changing, but we’re trying to do our bit… You see, electric showers help you save water, save energy... and so save you money. Meaning you can enjoy every wash without worrying.