
Our Objective


Develop high-performance, low-carbon footprint showering & water heating innovations that improve efficiency for our customers.


For us to achieve our ambitious Net-Zero goals, we need to change how we conceptualise, manufacture, maintain and retire our products. We need to consider their full life cycle, from the moment they start life on the pages of our New Product Development Team's notebooks to the very last time your Triton shower is used, removed from your wall, replaced and disposed of.


If you think that sounds like a lot, you're right. That's why we're working towards long and short-term goals that will help us to achieve a product range with thoughtful manufacturing at its core.

Triton is awarded the King's Award for Enterprise in recognition of our outstanding commitment to sustainable Development.

We've been honoured with a King’s Award for Enterprise in recognition of our outstanding commitment to Sustainable Development, which places sustainability at the heart of our long-term business strategy and Net Zero ambition. We are one of only 29 select organisations to be recognised nationally for their contribution to Sustainable Development in 2024. 


ENVi® is ClimatePartner Certified

ENVi® is ClimatePartner certified, meaning we - with Climate Partner's support - calculated the full life-cycle of the product, and have implemented reduction measures.

Net-Zero Components. Moving to alternative materials with a lower carbon footprint, and/or recycled content material.

We're quite proud of our diverse product range, but making a Triton shower takes a wide array of different components and materials.


We know that these parts have a carbon impact, and so we are working to identify, source, and adopt other materials that still give every Triton shower its trademark great performance, whilst being less impactful on the environment.

Circularity. Improve recyclability in its widest sense - including re-use and material recovery from returned products.

We all know that recycling is better than regular waste disposal. However, we understand that it is only a part of the journey towards more sustainable practises. We need to tackle material that can be safely and reliably reused or recovered first, reducing the amount of energy needed to process more virgin material. As a result, we are now working to adopt a more circular approach to our manufacturing processes.

Sustainable Packaging. Move to more sustainable (lower carbon footprint) packaging materials.

Perhaps the most visible change that our customers will see is our move towards packaging that is more sustainable. Well, in 2023, we made the full switch to windowless packaging for all our accessories (that's removing the plastic window on the boxes), meaning they can be fully recycled in household recycling waste.

The bigger picture


We’ve achieved a lot already, re-designing our returns area into the brand new Circularity Department at our HQ, where we are working to better process and recycle our products and return usable items into stock. However, although we know that recycling is an important step in the journey, we’re working hard on improving our processes to ensure we do what we can to reduce our carbon output year-on-year.

UN Sustainable Development Goals

We're helping to meet these UN SDGs with our Product-focused activities: