With people spending extra time at home due to the pandemic, here at Triton we wanted to know more about the impact this is having on the ways we use and waste water every day.
To help us understand the bigger picture in the UK, we commissioned research whereby 2,000 adults were asked to tell us about their consumption habits. The results showed that the shift towards more flexible, remote working has affected everyone’s routines in many different ways.
Since lockdown began, more than 7 in 10 British adults admitted to using a higher percentage of water and energy than ever before. Over half of those surveyed said that the intake of tea and coffee had increased in their household since the start of lockdown. Washing hands more frequently over the past 12 months was also cited as placing an extra strain on resources.
While these activities are perhaps to be expected, our survey found that four in 10 acknowledged they are using more water and energy than required. Whether it’s leaving the tap on when brushing teeth, boiling a full kettle to only make a drink for one or running a partially empty washing machine, almost 50 per cent of those surveyed admitted to these inefficient behaviours.
Overall, this highlights the need for the nation to consider how day-to-day actions might not only be affecting their pockets, but wasting valuable supplies too - especially when the consequences of modern living are becoming increasingly evident.
Being more eco-friendly doesn’t have to mean cutting out your daily cuppa or skipping a post-workout shower though. There are some simple steps that can make a difference. We’ve partnered with the Energy Saving Trust to show you how easy it can be:
- Decreasing the temperature of the shower or bath by just 1°C can have a positive impact on energy usage
- Showering for one minute less can knock £40 per year off your bills
- Filling a shallow sink to wash vegetables or dishes in rather than leaving the tap running can preserve 6 litres of water per minute
- Investing in efficient appliances, like a dual flush toilet, or eco shower with a lower flow rate, better protects the planet
- Only put the washing machine or dishwasher on with a full load
- You can reduce bills by £35 per year by simply turning your appliances off standby mode
- Use Triton’s energy and water savings calculator to see how much you could improve your bills and consumption rates by with quick, tangible changes